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Nature symbols are a paradox.They provide some of the most revealing and profound meanings for us, yet these meanings are often first overlooked.
Symbols and signs in nature are so obvious in their presence among us – and so generous in sharing their energetic experience with us. Perhaps it’s this easy availability that causes us to take nature and her symbols for granted.
Although always available, symbolism in nature is subtle in its essence. We find deeper meanings hidden between the lines nature writes in her pages of life but we must take the time read those pages for our growth.
Nature symbolism was used among our early ancestors who were intimately connected to the mother and her ways. For example, Native Americans wrapped entire systems of communication around energetic/symbolic patterns in nature. So too did the ancient Celts who equally honored the motions of nature in connection with their existence.
Today we can take our cue from our forebears. We have among us the most powerful tools for our psychic development among the trees, among the skies,and the seas.

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